Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Moving to California: Are people happier in California?

Moving to California - Are people happier in California?

Moving to California - Practicality aside, it turns out moving to California probably won’t make someone happier. The problem lies in the word itself. According to Nobel prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, there are two different ways of looking at well-being: current mood and overall satisfaction. Mood and satisfaction can even be contradictory. An event or an object can improve your mood but not increase the satisfaction with your life. For example, buying a new car might lift your spirits for a few weeks but be dampened when the reality of paying the monthly bills sets in.

While mood can be improved in the short term, life satisfaction is primarily influenced by goals. A series of experiments showed that people who, at age 18, reported money did not matter to them were happy at age 45 regardless of income level. However, 18-year old ones who said money was very important to them reported being “miserable” unless they had high incomes.

How to Move Your Business to California?

Permalink: http://californiamovingtips.blogspot.com/2012/12/people-happier-in-california.html

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